Are you an angry person? Do you have trouble managing anger? Anger
can effect your relationships and your regular daily life in more ways
than one.
People who generally suppress anger tend to find release and relief
through unhealthy methods that could eventually lead to destructive
habits like smoking, alcohol or drugs. Some others seek recourse through
junk food or become couch potatoes. Not only are these remedies fraught
with dangerous side effects, they only temporarily insensate. They
might help you forget but they can’t make the problems go away.
Another side effect of suppressing anger would be that it would make
itself felt in other negative behaviors like cynicism, backbiting,
revenge, faultfinding, etc. or detrimental conditions like depression,
self-hatred or persecution complex.
Research has conclusively proved that suppressing anger can cause
feelings of tiredness, can lower immunity levels and bring on colds,
headaches, ulcers, backaches, bowel troubles, skin problems and also
lead to other major health problems like tumors, cancer or heart
Handling It
Anger can be directed at yourself, other people or things. Its
reactions range through an entire gamut. Other than flying off the
handle, the other forms of anger that people resort to are refusal to
feel anything, displacing the anger and taking it out on someone else,
bouts of crying, revengeful feelings, frustration, shaking or trembling,
physical confrontation or overreaction.
Researchers trace anger patterns to family background. But before you
begin to blame your upbringing, consider what kind of a pattern you are
setting for your future generations. We are taught to handle most other
emotions but anger. But then better late than never. Handling anger can
be learnt at any age as long as one is willing to learn.
Managing It
What is anger management? It is adopting techniques that will help
you handle yourself better and control your reactions by reducing the
escalation of emotional feelings and also the physiological arousal that
anger causes.
You can’t change others but you have the power to change yourself for
the better. And only you have the power to do it. You have to stand up
and take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
Anger rises from angry thoughts, depression arises from anger that
has been suppressed, so if you have trouble resolving issues, a
therapist could help. A psychologist could provide you with techniques
that work for you that can transform your thinking.
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